Stuttgart Advanced Course for Rhinoplasty with Live Surgical Demonstration accompanying by an Anatomical Dissection Course

Stuttgart Advanced Course for Rhinoplasty with Live Surgical Demonstration accompanying by an Anatomical Dissection Course

  • Client: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. habil. Wolfgang Gubisch, Dr. med. Sebastian Haack
  • Event locationMarienhospital Stuttgart
  • Event date: 09. – 10. April 2019 (Weitere organisierte Veranstaltungen dieser Reihe: seit 2014)
  • Number of participants: 170 Kursteilnehmer, 50 Teilnehmer Anatomie Kurs
  • Website:

The established rhinoplasty course of Professor Dr. Dr. Gubisch and Dr. Haack welcomes international participants from all over the world every year. Live surgeries as well as the Hands-on anatomy course offer the participants the best training opportunity.

pdf Program 2018